
Engineers‘ Screwdrivers for plain slot screws

Chrome-Vanadium, C = chromium plated (with black tip), with hexagon blade and additional bolster and 2K plastic handle

Code 6Kt Blade mm L1 mm L2 mm a mm B mm Weight EAN Packaging unit RRP*
04537010080 5/8 100 200 1,0 5,5 74 4024089165371 10 10,05
04537012580 6,35/10 125 225 1,2 6,5 100 4024089165388 10 11,90
04537015080 8/13 150 260 1,2 8,0 160 4024089165395 10 15,50
04537017580 10/16 175 285 1,6 10,0 220 4024089165401 10 19,05
04537020080 10/16 200 310 2,0 12,0 250 4024089165418 5 21,85
04537025080 10/16 250 360 2,5 14,0 285 4024089165364 5 29,05
RRP* = Recommended retail price. Displayed prices in euro excl. taxes.